Type of Move
Venom Spit (Slow)
Vertigo spits purple acid at her opponent's face.
Hold 1+3; move joystick Toward, Toward
Venom Spit (Fast)
This move is much easier to use in combos than the Slow Venom Spit.
Hold 2+4; move joystick Toward, Toward
Voodoo Spell
Vertigo emits short-range hypnosis rings that do no damage but stun her opponent until he shakes out of it. This move counts as a combo hit and cannot be blocked, yet can be avoided by jumping.
Hold 2+3; move joystick Away, Away
Ground Teleport
Rolls up in a ball and reappears on the ground next to opponent; choose which side by holding the joystick toward or away after doing the move. Does not hit or damage opponent.
Hold 2+4; move joystick Down, Down
Air Teleport
Rolls up in a ball and reappears in the air next to opponent; choose which side by holding the joystick toward or away after doing the move. Does not hit or damage opponent. Can be done while on the ground or in the air.
Hold 2+4; move joystick Down, Up
Come Slither
Vertigo lashes her tail at her opponent's feet and drags him over for some beating. Projectiles will pass through Vertigo if the attack connects, but will hit her if it does not connect.
Hold 1+3; move joystick Away, Away
Scorpion Sting
Whips her tail across the screen, jabbing her opponent with her retractable stinger.
Hold 2+3; tap joystick Toward, Toward
Chomp a Human
Vertigo bends her neck down, lifts a worshipper high up, and crushes the person killing them and swallows them whole like a snake eating mice.
Hold all buttons; move joystick Down-Toward-Up